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Anastasia Popham

My 1st Stall of 2023 - So how did it go?

Updated: Mar 16, 2023

Wow, so I just finished my first trading stall of the year. And it went fantastic, even tho it was freezing temperatures. Leading up to the Saturday which was the Stall day, my youngest who is 8 months (she is growing up so fast!) has started the week with a runny nose which by the time we got to wednesday night I had to sleep with her in arms sitting up so she could get enough rest,but that meant for me, hardly no sleep and not much time to get items and things ready for the stall. Needless to say my husband was doing the best he could to help me.

Forward to friday night I was burning the midnight oil to get all my items together for my stall. Thankfully when I had a spare 5 minutes when my two girls were occupied I made myself a list of what I needed to take. Which really came in handy on the Saturday morning. My 1st handy hint to running your own craft stall 'make a list'.

Saturday morning arrived as I was up at 4am to get everything ready as I could start setting up from 8:30am. Now i know that seems ages of time to get ready, but anyone with a family knows that as a mum, you are also getting everyone else ready too. My husband and my 2 little girls came with me to help in setting up which i thought was very supportive as I was so nervous. I even has butterflies in my stomach. We arrive at the stall at 9am which was brillant as trading started at 10am.

Now I love setting up my stall, I always have done. It is like I am creating my own shop right there, letting people see my vision of my business come to life. As as I do more stalls this year I will add more ways I can give the people who visit my stall a really amazing shopping experience in line with my business ethos, which is 'inspiring self-care and wellbeing through gifting'.

Withing 30 mins of being set up I had my 1st customer, and I was so excited!!!

Having heard stories about my granny from my dad's side of the family about her stall and how she trading all her life and my dad did the same till he moved away. I always felt it is in my blood to run a stall, I love the hustle and bustle of the market place and I felt it here, Even tho it was freezing weather, nothing was going to dampen my spirits.

Through out the day there was a steady stream of people coming up to my stall, and some of them turned into customers too. My bath salts were a big hits and I was so cuffed I sold a Little Luxe Gift Box too. Come 2:30pm the rain had started but the market place had these amazing rain covers for the cabin with table tops which is where was had all of our items placed. I was really impressed with the help provided at the market. You really felt taken care of as a seller. I had even made acquaintances with the other stall sellers which is always nice to do.

Overall I really enjoyed myself and seeing the items and gift boxes I had made and curated being sold and admired really brighten my day and really encourged me to keep going with my small business. I cannot wait for my next stall.

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